A Corporate Organizational Matrix and a well designed Institutionalized Framework with a vibrant work culture and ethos. Systems, Procedures, Business Processes & Practices easily lend towards 'Office Automation and web assisted 'Facility Management Services' (FMS) support. Besides 'In House' expertise, we also have a very high end experienced and Domain Specific Telecom/ IT and Financial Management Consultants for our Projects, Products & Solution Design and FMS Support as also General & Financial Management. Some of these experts are on our Board of Directors as 'Independent Directors'.
Our Vision Statement "To be a leading System Integrator & Products & Solution Provider in an ever expanding, explosive & continuously changing fields of " Information & CommunicationTechnologies (CIT)" is the driving force and the bedrock of Logix’s functional Philosophy.
It is on only account of our Vision and focused approach that from a very humble beginning as a Customized Software Solution Provider in 2001, in a well thought out, planned and in an evolutionary manner, Logix has positioned itself now as an integrated 'Turn Key Solution' provider in the Emerging & Innovative growth oriented areas of Telecom & IT including its Products & Solution provision as also ITES related Facility Management Services. Continuous Technology absorption, adoption & application across the Complete ICT Continuum have been the ‘Hallmark ‘of our growth & success story.
The single most contributory factor and a catalyst for our success & growth has been our perseverance towards maintaining our Credibility as regards High End Quality Design and implementation & Timely responsiveness coupled with assured ‘After Sales Service’ support even at the cost of physical and economic hardships & constraints. From a ‘Start Up’ turn over of Rs 20 Lakhs in 2001, we now have an under maintenance Installed Base in the country of 100 Cr Plus by 2023.
Committed to Excellence (CTE) has been our 'Motto’ and a ‘Guiding Beacon’ for our Company. CTE in Technology Absorption , Implementation, Maintenance Support, Work Ethics and Human Resource development. It is this Committal which helped us to get ahead and pierce through this highly competitive market: not only survive against all odds but also grow against well established Players & Service Providers in spite of their financial muscle & presence.