In today’s context Institutions, Governing Bodies and Business Enterprises face tough challenges – of enhancing value and its competitive advantage as also qualitative and responsive functioning. The crux lies in adopting time tested business logic of ‘Out Sourcing’ so as to let Management and Governing Bodies focus on its core competence and business environment. Since ICT Infrastructure is one of the most critical, complex and a specialized ‘High End Driver’ for any of the business and governing processes; ‘Out Sourcing’, therefore, is an absolute imperative. Logix is, therefore, well focused in this field of convergence reality; the service issues, combination of diverse ICT application systems, network and software centric terrestrial and mobile platforms. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) takes on a number of hues and shades. Our involvement in the field of BPO relates to Consultancy, Facility Management Services (FMS), Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) , and 24 X 7 Operations and Maintenance Contracts (OMC).

ICT vision planning, Project design and implementation with related HR and financial implications are a knowledge intensive specialized field. Implementing Network Solutions, value added E-Business or E-Governance applications can be challenging in today’s dynamically changing ICT environment. We have a number of experienced consulting professionals with rich domain knowledge to apply proven methodologies and 'State of the Art' technologies to help development of end to end, multi vendor network software based solutions for your organizational requirements. Writing of Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) and Request For Proposals (RFPs) with requisite technical specifications and Qualitative Requirements (QRs) is another area of our Support Services.
Facility Management Services
Availability of highly trained Human Resource helps us provide ‘On Site’ Facility Management Services for care, maintenance and management of your infrastructure in accordance with the laid down Service Level Agreement (SLA). In certain functional applications, only software or web based FMS support is also undertaken.

Annual Maintenance Contracts

Logix undertakes Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMC); either comprehensive annual maintenance i.e. with material (hardware/software) or purely fault and repair based; material (hardware/software) being provisioned under respective organizational arrangements. AMC either is in respect of own executed projects or existing ICT infrastructure already established with an Organization. Logix’s executed ‘Turn Key ‘Projects in any case have a well specified Warranty Clause built- in as per the Client’s requirement.
Operation & Maintenance Cont
24 X 7 Supervision, Operation and Maintenance of Communication and IT Infrastructure also forms a part of our Support Services. This is undertaken either through employment of 'On Site' O&M Staff or it can be also 'Call Based' depending upon time sensitivity or operational requirement as per laid down Service Level Agreement (SLA).

Technology Assessment

Logix undertakes technology assessment along with Web based proof of concept or even Project based 'On Site' deployment as per your organizational requirements. While web based proof of concept can be and on 'No Cost No Commitment' basis, 'However, on site Pilot Project based deployment would involve cost implications.
Training is an absolute imperative for effective infrastructural support. Training capsules and packages could either be part of the Turn Key Project solutions or customized training courses concerning a vide variety of ICT related technologies such as LAN, VAN, Routing, Settings, security and so on. This can be conducted both "on site" as well "off site" at our Training Centre atGurgaon.