The Core Business centres on System Integration in the field of Communications and Information Technology in all its facets and complexities. The System Integration could either be based on Client’s specific Qualitative Requirements (QRs) or it could be a De-novo Project starting with Consultancy, Designing, Planning, Implementation and subsequent SLA based Maintenance throughout its life cycle.The fundamental focus is on Total Integration: Legacy as well as Next Generation Networks (NGN).
System Integration

Turn Key Project execution with desired mix and match of available hardware/software systems and functional requirements of an Organization.The Integrated Service Provision could either be customized i.e. tailor-made or scalable as per requirements i.e. brick based. Logix has requisite Vendors and Service Associates in the form of Channel Partners, both relating to hardware and software for ensuring a balanced optimized mix of products with technology. Warranty & ‘After Sales Service Support’ are equally ‘Cared For Components of our “Turn Key ‘execution.
Transformational Services
Most of the Organizations or Business Houses have in place ‘Stand Alone’ infrastructure as regards Communications and IT Systems. such an infrastruct ural support is generally unreliable and uneconomical. We have the technology and the where with al to upgrade your Support Services to an integrated and economic functional driven Communications and IT Support infrastructure. The Crux of this Support relates to planning and managing the ‘Change Over’ without any interruptions or delays, thereby ensuring ‘Business Continuity’.

Infrastructural Re-Engineering

Specialize in Infrastructural Re-engineering with a process flow starting with systemic analysis, consultancy, upgrade planning, optimized integration of existing/legacy with the planned resources so as to improve ICT Infrastructural Support. Rightly conceived, planned and well executed ‘Migratory Path’ is fundamental to any ‘Infrastructural Re-engineering’. Vision planning, technological possibilities and financial implications need to go hand in hand for any such venture or a ‘Turn Key Project’. The solution lies in applying the right mix of Organizational Functional Domain/backdrop with the emerging technological trends and Solutions: both in Hardware as well as Software.
Process & IT Transformation
Logix designs and helps its clients in reinventing the business processes, application-portfolio, office automation and E-Management of your Organization’s functions and operations. Technological environment today is full of Immense possibilities concerning IT based Business Applications & Services. Constant upgradation and Change is inevitable. Of special concern are ‘Returns on Investment And speed of conducting Business in an ever changing and upwardly Mobile as also cash rich Societalethos.Logix has the right expertise to help you sail through smoothly in such a business workspace with plan and credibility.

Software Solutions

While considerable amount of Communications & IT Infrastructure is generally available with an Organization, what is generally deficient is Application Services. We have an "in-house" capability in the field of Application Development Services for its complete life cycle right from System Study / Strategy to final implementation and Operational maintenance. High end expertise in the field of Customized Software Applications is another area of our Core Business. Our specialization is focused towards Mobile Applications, Systems Security, E-Learning, Website Design, Work Flow Automation, Video Streaming Solutions and a wide variety of varying business applications. Consultancy , Software upgradation and , Information Security Management as an Integrated field is another area of Focus forming part of our Business besides IT Asset Management and Maintenance Services base on Annual Maintenance Contracts(AMC) as per mutually agreed upon Service level Agreements(SLA). Logix also deals with supply and subsequent up gradation and Service Support for various Marketed Software Solutions: both generic as well as Specialized.